Media and Information Literacy.

In this activity, I learned that media stretches out from even pre-colonial period through word of mouth with the help of ‘umalohokan‘. Colonizers was also helpful in the Philippines as they brought new forms of media. Although it also has some downfalls in the time but on a longer run it is still helpful (i.e. radio, print media). There was also a time in the Philippines that media was silenced and manipulated – in time of Marcoses, but right after Marcos’ regime independence and freedom is placed. Until now, there may be some manipulated news and forecasts but it better be for the betterment of the country.

This is one of our project, it tackles about artificial intelligence – the advantages and disadvantages of it. I learned that artificial intelligence can cause problems such as catfishing like in the Obama’s manipulated speech. Artificial intelligence also helps people to have easy access and protect their data with the help of facial recognition and finger print scanner. I learned that artificial intelligence can easily fooled (i.e. using the finger print of the victim without their knowledge to access personal data or using their pictures on a facial recognition device). Using artificial intelligence can also be risky but helpful in the same time in protecting personal identity.

Be Responsible, Know Netiquette, Know Facts.

Being responsible on your posts, comments and opinions especially on social media is essential. Taking accounts on your wrong doings is much better than not acknowledging it. That’s why knowing the netiquettes is important because it opens up for more questioning before publishing a post or a comment. On the other hand, sharing posts could be a double edged sword because it could either be reliable or fake. That’s why knowing and being literate about the information in the surroundings are significant.

Mental Health and Memes

killing urself? bruh, it’s not cool. u know what’s cool? hiding all your feelings so you can’t sleep at night and outliving your depression.

ever felt killing yourself? same. duh.

if you think that’s only you, no. ever felt like nobody likes you and nobody wants to talk to you but you can’t make friends and also don’t want to talk to anyone because of your anxiety? same. maybe now mental disabilities are pretty normal and everybody has a hint of them. so you should be sad ’bout it? nobody recommends that but do everybody understands them? not really.

if you’re felt out of zone, you might just want to laugh it off. as they say, laughter is the best medicine, but now on our age, laughter is found online through memes and such. struggling through hard times? look at memes they’re cool and funny. overly stressed? laugh it off, memes are relatable, you are relatable, everyone have been that person. a study have shown that depressed people are more-likely to enjoy depression memes

because it’s relatable” -pewdiepie

i think now is the time to stop raising mental disabilities and start resolving them. raising mental illnesses doesn’t help the patients heal (although some needed attention) but rather they are being pointed at like it’s not normal which is very uncomfortable and could possibly make it worse. let’s heal everyone with memes and laugh it off because everyone’s relatable and everybody will heal if everyone understand. outlive your illness, you got everyone on your back (including your anxieties and the monster under your bed)

addt’l info:

meme i made for a short amount of time

Giselle: A Reaction Paper

Giselle is a ballet-play that shows two men’s love to a woman: first man is a stalker of Giselle, the woman, and the other man was a newcomer courting Giselle. Giselle splits in two acts, the first act involves the courting and fighting of the two men to be with Giselle. On a feminist’s point-of-view, the first act portrays the traditional feminine figure of women, which can be observed in the act wherein the mother of Giselle came out of their house while Giselle and her friends are partying. The mother came out mad as she sought her daughter dancing with the man whose newcomer and pointing the dress Giselle was wearing, which is expressed through her actions. Giselle was wearing an off-shoulder tulle dress. The mother was sided with the man that stalks Giselle in the first place, therefore seeing Giselle with the newcomer frustrates her. Passing through the story, a queen came in with guards and knocks in-front of Giselle’s home. The queen portrays as gentle, conservative, rich and highly feminine. These representation limits freedom expression of Giselle concerning gender roles and acts. Gender roles are stereotypical condoning women to be in a certain form, standardizing women and unappreciative of expression.

Image via Ballet Manila Archives

Between lovers, the stalker revealed that the newcomer wasn’t a peasant, rather it acts as one, showing the sword from the newcomer this could be used as a sign of betrayal. Beforehand, the stalker tried to get Giselle’s love but failed causing a revelation between two lovers. This leads Giselle to have a heart attack from confusion and heavy drama of the tangled event. Following to the second act, which shows the death, rather the after death of Giselle. The after death of Giselle, features all women presentation as a ghost also the two lovers were present in some scenes but focuses on the grave of Giselle. The act could be considered as bias, the scene only plays women as the ghost and no men were present as a ghost. This only implies that women are weak and overly emotional compared to men which are not presented as ghosts rather an actual living person. The women are repeatedly dancing through the music which could represent that women are limited to certain things, routines that shows softness and demure of women. Another scene done in the ballet wherein the lead ghost attempt to turnover the holiness of Giselle because of the lovers of Giselle that remains unforgiven. Before the scene, the ghosts haunted the place, scaring the two lovers individually – this could mean the ability of women to be dominant or at least show women power. Going back to the act wherein the ghost lead rejects Giselle, Giselle then breaks through and showed love to her lover, specifically the newcomer. The action Giselle took represents the breaking through gender stereotypes, leaving demure ghosts and having affection to her lover that her mother opposes to. The two acts generally shows the patriarchal of traditional practices being Giselle as the anti-patriarchal representation.

This is r/dankmemes and here’s how to get on Hot!

Just kidding this is a f**king blog post about memes but rather than memes, this includes words that are too long to read. BORING… ugh I don’t even want to do this either. If you’re a redditor you already know how subs work, you post something then you get digital points (Karmas) that doesn’t really matter IRL, but this surely cures depression. So you don’t have to go to your therapist and be awkward AF. By the ways, ever think of the literature thing that exists in centuries? Like the one with J.K. Rowling or is that R.L. Stine, ahhh searched it, it’s actually Shakespeare. But let’s be honest, we can’t even understand Shakespeare’s literature or the like, unlike reading Goosebumps, just kidding we watch Goosebumps not read it or at least for some.

The photo isn’t mine, although I added the yellow text

Bringing back the topic to memes, since we’ve (barely) talked about the literature. One question boggles my mind, are memes should be consider a new form of literature? Since from back then, literature could be in a form of anything, a poem, essay and even this blog. “Literature is a form of human expression” – Britannica (because we actually need to cite, to prevent plagiarism. Cool tip? Yes, you should cite memes when you repost them). Thus we shall consider memes as a form of literature, it’s a piece of history. In 2010, memes exploded, well I don’t have anything to cite for that but you know what I meme (get it? I used meme instead of mean). Moving on, memes used quotes added into an image, and being used to be relatable, funny or sarcastic (Ejaz, A. 2016). Though memes nowadays are weird, absurd and downright depicting death, but really it’s just the Gen Z humor. Shown in an article (The Shocking and Absurdist Humor of Gen Z by William Mercado), Gen Z’s are actually more aware in their surroundings and history than the Boomers have expected whining Gen Z are such little babies that mocks about climate change, meh meh meh meh. But really, Gen Z’s are really using meme formats as a protest and as a freedom of speech. Freedom of speech through memes are absolutely achieved, as some users can even be Anon in the internet world. Thus with this loads of information, the ability of memes can replace “old” literature or just add memes as a new type of literature (let’s not be ambitious here saying it’ll actually replace literature).

Via, yes this is 2010 memes

Concluding, memes have already lived for a decade but is it the time for memes to be recognized as a piece of literature? Well I think yes, surely, because memes functions the same way as literature although the difference is the form but considering forms of literature, this could be added as a new type of literature. Gen Zs should be proud for their memes, and Millennials too and Boomers too?

At the end of the day we’re all just tired f**ks!!

I wish…

Links used in the blog:

Introduce Yourself (Example Post)

This is an example post, originally published as part of Blogging University. Enroll in one of our ten programs, and start your blog right.

You’re going to publish a post today. Don’t worry about how your blog looks. Don’t worry if you haven’t given it a name yet, or you’re feeling overwhelmed. Just click the “New Post” button, and tell us why you’re here.

Why do this?

  • Because it gives new readers context. What are you about? Why should they read your blog?
  • Because it will help you focus you own ideas about your blog and what you’d like to do with it.

The post can be short or long, a personal intro to your life or a bloggy mission statement, a manifesto for the future or a simple outline of your the types of things you hope to publish.

To help you get started, here are a few questions:

  • Why are you blogging publicly, rather than keeping a personal journal?
  • What topics do you think you’ll write about?
  • Who would you love to connect with via your blog?
  • If you blog successfully throughout the next year, what would you hope to have accomplished?

You’re not locked into any of this; one of the wonderful things about blogs is how they constantly evolve as we learn, grow, and interact with one another — but it’s good to know where and why you started, and articulating your goals may just give you a few other post ideas.

Can’t think how to get started? Just write the first thing that pops into your head. Anne Lamott, author of a book on writing we love, says that you need to give yourself permission to write a “crappy first draft”. Anne makes a great point — just start writing, and worry about editing it later.

When you’re ready to publish, give your post three to five tags that describe your blog’s focus — writing, photography, fiction, parenting, food, cars, movies, sports, whatever. These tags will help others who care about your topics find you in the Reader. Make sure one of the tags is “zerotohero,” so other new bloggers can find you, too.

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