This is r/dankmemes and here’s how to get on Hot!

Just kidding this is a f**king blog post about memes but rather than memes, this includes words that are too long to read. BORING… ugh I don’t even want to do this either. If you’re a redditor you already know how subs work, you post something then you get digital points (Karmas) that doesn’t really matter IRL, but this surely cures depression. So you don’t have to go to your therapist and be awkward AF. By the ways, ever think of the literature thing that exists in centuries? Like the one with J.K. Rowling or is that R.L. Stine, ahhh searched it, it’s actually Shakespeare. But let’s be honest, we can’t even understand Shakespeare’s literature or the like, unlike reading Goosebumps, just kidding we watch Goosebumps not read it or at least for some.

The photo isn’t mine, although I added the yellow text

Bringing back the topic to memes, since we’ve (barely) talked about the literature. One question boggles my mind, are memes should be consider a new form of literature? Since from back then, literature could be in a form of anything, a poem, essay and even this blog. “Literature is a form of human expression” – Britannica (because we actually need to cite, to prevent plagiarism. Cool tip? Yes, you should cite memes when you repost them). Thus we shall consider memes as a form of literature, it’s a piece of history. In 2010, memes exploded, well I don’t have anything to cite for that but you know what I meme (get it? I used meme instead of mean). Moving on, memes used quotes added into an image, and being used to be relatable, funny or sarcastic (Ejaz, A. 2016). Though memes nowadays are weird, absurd and downright depicting death, but really it’s just the Gen Z humor. Shown in an article (The Shocking and Absurdist Humor of Gen Z by William Mercado), Gen Z’s are actually more aware in their surroundings and history than the Boomers have expected whining Gen Z are such little babies that mocks about climate change, meh meh meh meh. But really, Gen Z’s are really using meme formats as a protest and as a freedom of speech. Freedom of speech through memes are absolutely achieved, as some users can even be Anon in the internet world. Thus with this loads of information, the ability of memes can replace “old” literature or just add memes as a new type of literature (let’s not be ambitious here saying it’ll actually replace literature).

Via, yes this is 2010 memes

Concluding, memes have already lived for a decade but is it the time for memes to be recognized as a piece of literature? Well I think yes, surely, because memes functions the same way as literature although the difference is the form but considering forms of literature, this could be added as a new type of literature. Gen Zs should be proud for their memes, and Millennials too and Boomers too?

At the end of the day we’re all just tired f**ks!!

I wish…

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Published by sluijun

ahhh ok

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